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November 2022 | Brand new Task view
November 2022 | Brand new Task view
Stevi Frooninckx avatar
Written by Stevi Frooninckx
Updated over a week ago

We are excited to announce an update to the task feature. We have made some changes to the design and functionality to make it even easier for you to manage and track your tasks.

With these updates you will be able to :

  • filter tasks based on apps or workflows, due date, assignee, approver, entity, status or creator

  • customize how tasks are displayed by choosing which labels to show or hide (such as assignee, due date, reminder, repeat, etc.)

  • easily search for tasks by name

  • export all your tasks to a spreadsheet

Check the video below for a guided tour by Jeroen on our product team.

Other improvements and bug fixes

Entity information improvement

  • Allow users to track changes in the fiscal year and see which fiscal years are shorter or longer than 12 months.

  • Allow users to enter null values for director start dates and input tax rates with three digits after the decimal point in the tax loss table.


  • Upload 2022 data for TaxOps and DAC6 for user access and use.

Projects & audits

  • Improve the open/close functionality by allowing users to specify a closing date for their projects. If the closing date has not yet passed, the audit will not close automatically. If the closing date has passed or is today, the status will automatically change to closed.


  • Enhanced document editing by allowing users to edit entities that are linked to multiple documents.

  • Add business unit as a LOC filter for additional use cases.

  • Provide an export feature for admins to export all users and their roles and permissions for increased tax governance.

  • Allow users to add a profile image to their account.

  • Hide users who have not accepted the Loctax invite from the user list.

  • Implement and enforce a new password policy based on requirements.

  • Give users the ability to customize the order of tabs on an entity page.

  • Allow users to select their role when logging in (e.g. tax manager, C-level, etc.).

  • Update the login page with a new brand design.

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