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The basics - risks

In this article explains what you can do on the risk page.

Bart Van Remortele avatar
Written by Bart Van Remortele
Updated over a week ago

The risk page is your central location to find all specific risks that have been created.

Clicking on a risk will open the risk.

To create a risk, click on the “+ risk” button located in the top right corner.

Let's review the different options you have to quickly find the risk you are looking for:

  • Add filter: we offer multiple filters, such as Entity, Country, Risk Level, Risk Status, UPT, and Date Risk was identified.

  • Search: this allows you to search for the name of the risk.

  • View options: by default, the risks are grouped by Status (open/closed). You can change the grouping to Country, Risk Level, and Status. Additionally, you can select the columns you want to see displayed in the table.

  • Export: once you are satisfied with the configuration, you can export the table to an Excel spreadsheet.

Learn more about how to create and manage risks, or explore the risk dashboard for deeper insights and effective monitoring:

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