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July 2023 | Invite-based access to Projects
July 2023 | Invite-based access to Projects
Kasparas Aleknavičius avatar
Written by Kasparas Aleknavičius
Updated over a week ago

In the realm of tax project collaboration, the exchange of information stands paramount.

We've received significant feedback from our Loctax community, expressing a desire to extend their project visibility to other users, encompassing not just those within their organisation but also external entities such as tax advisors. Managing access rights to ensure the correct balance of confidentiality and collaboration is particularly significant when dealing with such external users.

Addressing this need, we've launched an innovative sharing feature. This empowers you to delegate project-specific access to users, whilst concurrently maintaining the exclusivity of other aspects within Loctax. Access can be customised, granting view-only permissions or extending edit rights, as required.

For instance, you may wish to bestow edit rights upon your tax advisor to enable more effective cooperation on a tax project. This allows the advisor to see all project-related information, contribute new documents, and carry out timely updates on the project. Crucially, the advisor's access is limited and does not extend to other Loctax information, such as entity details or data stored within other apps.

Additionally, we've been focused on honing our other applications, introducing a host of enhancements. A comprehensive synopsis of these improvements from the past month can be found below.

Other improvements and fixes

Risk management app

  • We’ve added an additional card of the total provision on the risk dashboard and the individual risk

  • You can now select multiple entities, and multiple regions & countries

  • We improved how the tables look and made the make bottom scroll always visible so you can more easily find what you’re looking for

  • We’ve updated the risk dashboard and introduced a closing date for the risk

  • We’ve made a small improvement to the notifications sent to subscribers of a risk

  • We’ve updated the donut graph on the dashboard: the total amounts per risk level are shown

  • You can now link multiple audits to risk, and vice versa

  • We fixed the ability to remove the % probability of loss


  • We’ve made huge improvements to the loading speed of the Indirect tax report and tax losses

  • Custom roles now have access to the reports as well. The access of these users is based on the entity access and the entity details they have access to.

  • We build several fixes to the export of the indirect tax report. Certain selected columns were excluded from the export


  • We’ve added a year filter to the world map so you can show for which years in which country you are audited

  • To improve the user experience, we moved the audits register to a separate tab. This also improves the readability of the audit register

  • We’ve made several improvements to the export functionality of all audits and individual audits

  • You can now filter the entities involved

  • You can link audits to projects and risks


  • You can now add Hallmarks when creating or editing DAC6 tickets

  • Improved the status “estimate time to report” and how it is calculated


  • We uploaded the 2023 IBFD data


  • CTX payments can now be selected as a data point in the workflows

  • For the CTX & IDT workflows, we improved the way how due dates are calculated


  • We fixed a bug that allowed some users to complete data request tasks without uploading all required information

  • We improved how notifications are generated. In some cases, certain users did not receive a reminder on the correct date

  • A bug was fixed that prevents certain guest users to see the data request task correctly


  • You can grant access to an individual project basis to internal and external users. The external user will only be able to access that specific project

User management

  • The invitation sent to users that have not yet accepted the invitation can now be revoked

Entity page - Indirect tax

  • We added the ability to remove Intrastat & EC listings

Shareholder & directors

  • We merged both tabs into the new Legal tab.

More improvements & fixes:

  • Bug fix to prevent errors when selecting a non-existing financial year

  • Bug fix when adding shareholders to an existing shareholders' table

  • New data point: main business activity and Pillar 2 (GloBE) entity types

  • Home page: fix in showing tasks due today

  • CTX payment supporting document: the document type is now optional

  • Disabled users are no longer in the drop-downs where users can be selected

  • Removed the Chrome date suggestions on the data picker component

  • Improved the loading time of the indirect tax report & document repository

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