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Inviting a new user to Loctax

Easily add team members to your Loctax environment

Colin Spence avatar
Written by Colin Spence
Updated over a week ago

You may wish to view this guide to creating user roles and permissions in Loctax. This article will show you how to invite a new user to Loctax.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip: only 'Admin' users can invite new users to Loctax.

Step 1: Navigate to the 'organisation settings' section.

Click the drop-down arrow next to your company's name and select 'organisation settings'.

Step 2: navigate to the 'users' section.

Step 3: create your user invite.

First click 'invite new users'. A new window will open allowing you to add the invitees details. In the 'Role' drop-down, you can specify the role type a user will be given. If you have created a custom role previously, it can be selected here. When a custom role is selected you can then define which entities the user has access to.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip: toggling on 'invite multiple users' leaves the pop up window open each time you send an invite.

Here is an article showing how to create user roles and set permissions in Loctax.

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