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'All Entities' tab in Loctax

Access all the entities in your group at a click of a button

Colin Spence avatar
Written by Colin Spence
Updated over a week ago

The 'All Entities' tab in Loctax is a really helpful way to quickly visualise and access all of the entities in your group. You can take quick actions here such as changing the entity status, changing the colour of the entity on the Legal Org. Chart and add team members as the main responsibles for the various tax domains. Click the video below for more information.

๐Ÿ’ก N.B. your access to the 'All Entities' tab will depend on your user permissions. For some users who have a restricted access, you may see just 'Entities', being those you have access to or for other user types (i.e. Guests), you may not see this tab at all.

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